- Rupture de stock

Spécialiste de la pièce détachée PC/Mac portables – Tablettes – Imprimantes - Consommables (Cartouches – Toners)
Windows 9X/Me, Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista, Mac OS 8.0, UNIX/Linux, Netware 3.12
Protocoles réseaux: TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBEUI, Apple Talk, LPR, IPP/SMB, RAW, TCP
Print server Parallel-/Centronics interface (IEEE 1284),
Fast Ethernet port with RJ45 10/100Mbps auto-sensing and supports E-mail Alert,
Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) and SMB POST (Power On Self Test), print job log, TCP / IP, NetBEUI, IPX / SPX, AppleTalk and LPR